轻忆教育 英语学习 掌握这些学习技巧,让你更有效地为考试而学习英语


Are you struggling to remember English words? Do you fi…

Are you struggling to remember English words? Do you find yourself forgetting new vocabulary shortly after learning it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many English language learners face this challenge. However, there is a solution – my unique word memory technique.

In this practical guide, I will walk you through my method of remembering English words. You will learn how to use visual aids, association, and repetition to store new vocabulary in your long-term memory. With this technique, you will be able to learn and retain English words more effectively, making studying for exams much easier.

Visual Aids: Seeing is Believing

One of the easiest ways to remember English words is to use visual aids. Instead of just memorizing the word itself, try to visualize an image that represents the word. For example, if you’re learning the word “apple,” picture a bright red apple in your mind. This way, whenever you think of the word “apple,” the image will come to mind, making it easier to remember. This technique is particularly useful for people who are visual learners.


Association: Making Connections

Another effective way to remember English words is to associate the new word with something you already know. For example, if you’re learning the word “conundrum,” think of it as a “confusing riddle” – the two words have a similar meaning and sound. Making connections like this helps your brain create a mental hook to attach the new word to something you’re already familiar with, making it easier to remember.

Repetition: Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, repetition is key to remembering new words. The more times you see, hear, and use a word, the more likely you are to remember it. Try to use new words in sentences, read them in context, and listen for them in conversations and media. The more you repeat the word, the more ingrained it will become in your memory.

Putting It All Together

To use my word memory technique effectively, try the following steps:

1. Choose a new word you want to learn.


2. Create a visual image that represents the word.

3. Associate the word with something you already know.

4. Repeat the word in context as many times as possible.

5. Review the word regularly to reinforce your memory.

With practice, you’ll find that using this technique becomes easier and more natural. And the more words you remember, the easier it will be to communicate in English!

In conclusion, memorizing English words doesn’t have to be difficult. With my unique word memory technique, you can learn and retain new words more effectively, making studying for exams much easier. By using visual aids, association, and repetition, you’ll be on your way to mastering English vocabulary and improving your language skills.

So why not give it a try? Start by choosing a new word, creating a visual image, and associating it with something you already know. Then, repeat the word in context as many times as possible and review it regularly. Before you know it, you’ll be speaking and writing English with confidence.

Remember – practice makes perfect!


作者: 轻忆教育



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