轻忆教育 英语学习 掌握这些高考必背单词,轻松通过英语考试!


How to Master High School English Vocabulary with Ease?…

How to Master High School English Vocabulary with Ease?


As a high school student, one of the most daunting tasks is to memorize a large number of English vocabulary. These words are often difficult and abstract, and it can be challenging to remember them for a long time. However, if you are an English movie lover, you are in luck! Watching English movies can help you learn and retain these words in a fun and easy way. In this article, we will explore how you can use English movies to master high school English vocabulary with ease.

Watch Movies with English Subtitles

One of the simplest ways to learn new English words is by watching movies with English subtitles. This not only helps you understand the plot better but also exposes you to new words and phrases that you may not have come across before. When you come across a new word, pause the movie and look up its meaning in a dictionary. This will help you remember the word and its meaning for a long time. Moreover, you can use these new words in your daily conversations or when writing essays, which will help you score higher marks in your English exam.

Make a Vocabulary List

While watching English movies, keep a notebook handy and jot down new vocabulary words that you come across. This will help you create a personalized list of words that you need to focus on. You can divide these words into different categories based on their meaning or usage. For example, you can create separate lists for adjectives, verbs, and nouns. This will help you memorize these words more efficiently and retain them for a longer period.

Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a great way to memorize new words quickly. Create flashcards with the new English words that you come across while watching movies. On one side of the flashcard, write the word and on the other side, write its meaning. Keep revising these flashcards regularly to help you remember the words and their meanings.

Test Yourself

Testing yourself is an excellent way to ensure that you have memorized the new English words you have learned. You can create a quiz for yourself using the words from your vocabulary list. Ask a friend or family member to help you test yourself, or take an online quiz to measure your progress.



Learning and remembering high school English vocabulary can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be dull and boring. By watching English movies, you can make the process of learning new words fun and engaging. Use the tips mentioned in this article, and you will soon find yourself effortlessly memorizing new English words. So, grab some popcorn and start watching English movies today!

At Light Memory Education, we offer a range of courses and resources that can help high school students master English vocabulary with ease. Check out our courses and study materials to learn more.


作者: 轻忆教育



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