轻忆教育 英语学习 从现在起,只需10分钟!学会这些英语单词快速记忆法小窍门


Breaking News: Learn These English Vocabulary Memory Ha…

Breaking News: Learn These English Vocabulary Memory Hacks in Just 10 Minutes!

Are you tired of struggling to memorize English vocabulary? Do you often find yourself forgetting new words shortly after learning them? If so, you’re not alone. Many language learners struggle with vocabulary acquisition, but the good news is that there are simple memory hacks you can use to make the process easier and more effective. In this article, we’ll show you how to learn these English words in just 10 minutes!


Chunking: The Secret to Memorizing Longer Words

Have you ever looked at a long English word and felt overwhelmed? It can be difficult to memorize words with many letters, but there’s a trick to make it easier. It’s called chunking. By breaking up longer words into smaller, more manageable parts, you can make them easier to remember. For example, instead of trying to memorize the word “accommodation” all at once, you can break it up into “ac-commo-da-tion”. By focusing on each chunk individually, you’ll be able to memorize the word more quickly and easily.

Using Mnemonics: Turning Words into Images

Another memory hack for learning English vocabulary is to use mnemonics. Mnemonics are techniques that help you remember information by associating it with something else. For example, to remember the word “abscond”, you might imagine a thief sneaking away with a bag of stolen money (the “abs” sound in “abscond” sounds like “ab” in “abduct”). By creating vivid mental images like this, you can make words easier to remember and recall later.

Creating Word Associations: Connecting New Words to Familiar Ones

Another way to make English vocabulary stick in your memory is to create word associations. This technique involves connecting new words to those that you already know. For example, if you’re learning the word “pulchritudinous” (meaning beautiful), you might associate it with the word “pulchritude” (which means beauty). By linking the two words together, you’ll be more likely to remember their meanings and use them correctly.

Using Flashcards: Repetition for the Win

Finally, one of the most effective ways to memorize English vocabulary is through repetition. And one of the best tools for repetition is flashcards. By writing down new words on one side of a card and their definitions on the other, you can test yourself on the words over and over again until they stick in your memory. And with the rise of online flashcard apps like Quizlet, you can take your flashcards with you wherever you go and practice your vocabulary anytime, anywhere.

Conclusion: Start Learning These Memory Hacks Today!


Learning English vocabulary doesn’t have to be a struggle. By using memory hacks like chunking, mnemonics, word associations, and flashcards, you can make the process more effective and enjoyable. So why not try out these techniques today and see how much you can learn in just 10 minutes? Your English skills will thank you!

CTA: Ready to take your English to the next level? Try out these vocabulary memory hacks and see how quickly you can improve!


作者: 轻忆教育



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