轻忆教育 英语学习 在学习英语中,背单词是非常重要的一环。那么如何更有效地背单词呢?今天,让我们来谈一谈背单词小技巧:背文章记单词!


Have you ever struggled with memorizing English vocabul…

Have you ever struggled with memorizing English vocabulary? As an English exam tutor, I understand the importance of expanding your English vocabulary. However, the traditional way of memorizing words can be tedious and ineffective. In this article, I’ll share with you a useful technique that can help you memorize English words more efficiently: memorizing words through reading articles.


Why memorizing words through reading articles works

The technique of memorizing words through reading articles is based on the principle of context. When you memorize words in isolation, it can be difficult to remember their meanings and usage. However, when you encounter a word in a sentence, you get to see how it’s used in context, making it easier to memorize.

Furthermore, memorizing words through reading articles can help you improve your reading comprehension and writing skills. By reading articles, you get exposed to different writing styles and learn how to use words in different contexts.

How to memorize words through reading articles

1. Choose articles that match your English level

To effectively memorize words through reading articles, you need to choose articles that are appropriate for your English level. If the article is too difficult, you’ll find it hard to understand the meaning of the words. If the article is too easy, you won’t be able to learn new words.

2. Read the article first to understand the context

Before you start memorizing words, it’s important to read the entire article to understand its context. By doing so, you’ll get a better idea of the topic, which will help you understand the meaning of the words.

3. Highlight or underline the words you don’t know

Once you’ve read the article, go back and highlight or underline the words you don’t know. You can also write them down in a separate notebook.

4. Look up the meanings of the words

Use a dictionary to look up the meanings of the words you’ve highlighted. When doing so, try to understand the word in the context of the article.

5. Memorize the words in context

Now that you understand the meaning of the words in context, try to memorize them by using them in sentences. You can also create flashcards to help you memorize the words.

6. Review the words regularly

To make sure you don’t forget the words you’ve learned, it’s important to review them regularly. You can do this by revisiting the article you’ve read or by creating a quiz for yourself.

In summary, memorizing words through reading articles is an effective way to expand your English vocabulary. By doing so, you not only learn new words, but you also improve your reading comprehension and writing skills. So why not give it a try?

About Light-Years Education

At Light-Years Education, we offer personalized English language learning programs that cater to your individual needs. Our experienced tutors use innovative teaching methods to help you achieve your English language goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your English language skills.


作者: 轻忆教育



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