轻忆教育 英语学习 剪刀手必备!掌握这些趣味记忆单词方法,让您的scissors更好用!


Are you tired of forgetting the names of different type…

Are you tired of forgetting the names of different types of scissors? Do you struggle to remember which kind of scissors to use for which task? Fear not, as I am here to help you with some fun and easy memory techniques that will help you master the art of using scissors!

Chunking Method: Breaking Words into Smaller Parts

When it comes to remembering new words, breaking them into smaller parts is a useful tool. For example, the word “scissors” can be broken down into “sci” and “ssors.” You can also associate each part with something that is familiar to you. For instance, “sci” can be associated with the word “science” or “scientific,” while “ssors” sounds like “saws” which can be associated with a saw. By using this method, you will find it easier to remember the word “scissors” and associate it with its function.

Rhyming Method: Make it Catchy

Another technique that you can use to remember words is by creating rhymes. For example, “scissors” can be rhymed with “kissers.” You can then associate the word “kissers” with the act of cutting. This creates a catchy phrase that will be embedded in your memory, making it easier for you to remember that scissors are used for cutting.

Visualizing Method: Creating a Mental Picture


Creating a mental picture of the word is another way to remember it. This method is particularly useful for words that are hard to pronounce or spell. For example, you can visualize a pair of scissors with a happy face, giving you the impression that the scissors are happy to cut things. This image will stick in your mind, making it easier for you to remember what scissors are used for.

Acronym Method: Create Your Own Acronym

Creating an acronym is another effective memory technique. For example, S.C.I.S.S.O.R.S can stand for “Sharp Cutting Instrument Suitable for Scissors Operations and Requirements.” This acronym can be used to remember the various types of scissors and their functions.


In conclusion, remembering words can be a daunting task, but with these fun and easy memory techniques, you can remember the various types of scissors and their functions. By utilizing the chunking method, rhyming method, visualizing method, and acronym method, you’ll be able to master the use of scissors in no time.

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作者: 轻忆教育



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