轻忆教育 英语学习 每天只需10分钟,轻松掌握英语:优质学习资源推荐


Are you struggling with remembering English vocabulary …


Are you struggling with remembering English vocabulary for your exams or daily use? Do you find it difficult to allocate time to memorize new words? Worry no more! We have compiled a list of high-quality resources that will help you learn English vocabulary in just 10 minutes a day.

Firstly, let’s start with the classic resource that never goes out of style – vocabulary flashcards. Many online platforms offer digital flashcards that you can access easily on your mobile phone or computer. Quizlet is a popular option that allows you to create your own flashcards or choose from pre-made sets by other users. With Quizlet, you can play games, take quizzes, and track your progress, making learning English vocabulary fun and interactive.

Another great resource is the Daily Word app, which sends you a new word every day along with its definition, pronunciation, and usage examples. This app is perfect for those who want to gradually expand their vocabulary without overwhelming themselves. It also offers a feature that lets you save words to review later, ensuring you don’t forget what you’ve learned.

If you prefer a more systematic approach, then the book “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis is a must-read. The book is designed to help you learn common English words and their roots, prefixes, and suffixes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding word origins to make it easier to remember their meanings. With its simple explanations and exercises, this book is a great tool for anyone looking to enhance their English vocabulary.


In addition to the above resources, podcasts are an excellent way to learn English vocabulary while on the go. “Vocabulary.com” and “The English We Speak” are two highly recommended podcasts that focus on teaching new words and phrases. They also include discussions on their usage, helping you to understand the context in which they are commonly used.

Lastly, if you’re someone who learns better through visual aids, then YouTube is the perfect platform for you. The channel “English with Lucy” offers engaging videos that cover a wide range of vocabulary topics and provide clear explanations and examples. Lucy’s videos are both entertaining and informative, making it easy to absorb new vocabulary and remember their meanings.

In conclusion, learning English vocabulary doesn’t have to be a tedious task that consumes all your time. By using these high-quality resources, you can easily improve your vocabulary in just 10 minutes a day. Whether you prefer flashcards, apps, books, podcasts, or videos, there is a resource that suits your learning style and helps you achieve your goals. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning today!

Remember, the key to success is consistency. Make it a habit to allocate just 10 minutes a day to learning English vocabulary, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you improve.


作者: 轻忆教育



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