轻忆教育 英语学习 如何利用科学的方法提升英语词汇学习,掌握很有效的策略?


Are you struggling to expand your English vocabulary? D…

Are you struggling to expand your English vocabulary? Do you find yourself forgetting new words shortly after learning them? Well, fear not, because science might just have the solution for you! In this article, we will explore some effective strategies for improving your English vocabulary, based on scientific research.

Chunking: The Power of Grouping

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to effortlessly remember long strings of words or numbers? This is because they use a technique called chunking. Chunking involves breaking a large amount of information into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, if you wanted to remember the words “apple,” “banana,” and “orange,” you could group them together as “fruits,” making it easier to remember. By chunking, you can increase the amount of information you can retain in your working memory, making it easier to learn new words.

Spaced Repetition: Learning That Sticks

Have you ever crammed for a test, only to forget everything you learned the next day? This is because cramming relies on short-term memory, which quickly fades away. Spaced repetition, on the other hand, is a technique that uses intervals to reinforce learning. By spacing out your study sessions, you give your brain time to consolidate the information, making it more likely to stick. There are many tools available that use spaced repetition, such as flashcard apps like Anki or Memrise, which can help you learn new words and remember them long-term.


Mnemonics: Memory Tricks That Work

Do you struggle to remember the spelling or meaning of certain words? Mnemonics can help. Mnemonics are memory tricks that use associations or acronyms to help you remember information. For example, you might remember the spelling of the word “necessary” by repeating the phrase “one collar, two sleeves” (there are one C and two S’s in the word). Mnemonics can also help you remember the meaning of words by associating them with images or stories. For example, you might remember the meaning of “abhor” (to hate) by imagining someone vomiting at the thought of something.

Contextual Learning: Learning in Context

Have you ever learned a word in isolation, only to find it difficult to use in a sentence? This is because words are easier to remember when they are learned in context. Contextual learning involves learning words in the context of a sentence or a story. By seeing words used in context, you can better understand their meaning and usage. You can practice contextual learning by reading books, watching movies, or listening to podcasts in English.

Gamification: Making Learning Fun

Do you find learning new words boring or tedious? Gamification can make learning more fun and engaging. Gamification involves turning learning into a game, with rewards and challenges to keep you motivated. There are many apps and websites that use gamification to help you learn English vocabulary, such as Duolingo or Vocabulary.com. By making learning more fun, you can stay motivated and learn more effectively.

In conclusion, there are many effective strategies for improving your English vocabulary, based on scientific research. Chunking, spaced repetition, mnemonics, contextual learning, and gamification can all help you learn new words and remember them long-term. By using these strategies, you can expand your vocabulary and become a more confident English speaker. So why not give them a try? Your brain will thank you!


CTA: Start using these strategies today to improve your English vocabulary! Try using a spaced repetition app like Anki or Memrise, or practice contextual learning by reading a book or watching a movie in English. Remember, the key to success is consistency, so make learning a part of your daily routine. Good luck!


作者: 轻忆教育



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